
Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Return of "Not Another Lolita Blog" and a Thank You.

Many have been asking when "Not Another Lolita Blog" would be returning and well... here it is! In this episode you can see me and some of my frilly girls head out to celebrate International Lolita Day:Winter 2011. And don't worry, this isn't the last you'll be seeing of the video series! More posts will be coming in the future and boy, I am beyond excited for them! Here's the video below:

In other news, you might have noticed on the side of the blog that there is an Amazon link! Well I'm pleased to say that La Vida Frills is now an Amazon affiliate. If you need to do any Christmas shopping this year, please feel free to click on my side bar to shop all the amazing deals on Amazon. I put a list of some of my recommendations for the holidays when it comes to frilly movies, toys and books. You can't go wrong with Amazon (they are a serious life saver!) Feel free to check it out!

Also, did you know La Vida Frills turned 2 years old? I know this year I didn't make as big a hoot about it like last year, but I do want to just simply say: Thank you. When I started LVF I had no idea what kind of a response I would get. Yes, there is a very small amount of you that come to read the posts and comment on them. But seeing the few of you that do have such passion and love in your hearts makes me really never want to give this blog up. I hope to be getting more on the bandwagon with making LVF more fabulous for the next year and the years to come. I hope to write/tape a bigger thank you soon, since this is a little too casual for my taste. But in general: 



  1. Congrats on your second year =)

    ~ Kieli ~

  2. Thanks Kieli! I dunno if you saw, but you actually won the contest below! If you'd like to reclaim your prize, please email me your information at (address, etc)
