
Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Trailer: Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

So it's beginning to seem a lot like.... Summer trailer time! We already got some love from super hero trailers and other horror surprises as well and it isn't even 2012 yet. But one of the movies I'm the most excited about? Snow White and the Huntsman

Now I'll be honest I'm not terribly excited by Kirsten Stewart being a part of this project but everything else seems perfect. The visuals, costumes, and choice in other roles (Chris Hemsworth, need I say more!) look nothing short of incredible. Unlike previous fairy tale related films of the past year (COUGHCOUGHLITTLEREDRIDINGHOODCOUGHCOUGH) This looks like a high caliber film and definitely deserves respect. Also hopefully since it seems to be a Summer release it'll be decent. Curious? Check out the trailer in the link/website!

What do you rufflebutts think of the movie? Look good or awful? I have hopes.


  1. I don't know, it's kinda hard to imagine a world where Kristen Steward is "fairer" then Charlieze Theron.

  2. It looks good, but I really don't like that Twilight chick. She brings it down for me.

    I would just watch it just because of Charlieze.

  3. As soon as I started seeing posters for this, my instant reaction "pleasebegood pleasebegood pleasebegood" >.< Because I KNOW I'm going to go spend money to see it! Be good dammit!

  4. I really like the costume, story seems nice too, different from the tale, but Kristen...serious?? I don't like her :(

  5. I agree with Arika, Charlize is so beautiful...Kristen not as beautiful, and with her acting (Kristen's) I really much rather see the Lily Collins Mirror Mirror. But maybe other trailers or reviews of the film might convince me. I do love Charlize Theron.
