
Friday, October 21, 2011

LVF's New Addiction: Lalaloopsy Dolls

Last night, My friend Crystal and myself went on some errands and just happened to stop in the big Toys R Us in Times Square. Little did we know that we would find an extremely new collection addiction in our midst. Step over to the side My Little Pony and welcome Lalaloopsy Dolls. Now, some might think these dolls look a little on the creepy side. But to me these are a Lolita's dream doll. They have a slight gothic tang of rag doll style to them but with tons of sweet elements all around. Just read their description:

"The Lalaloopsy Dolls™ were once rag dolls who magically came to life when their very last stitch was sewn. They each have different personalities that come from the fabrics that were used to make them. They live in a colorful, silly world, and with your love, their magic can go on forever!"

I just love every single aspect about them and now am dying to collect some of the Mini versions. They come in a variety of styles, colors, and even ones for boys! Personally I'm having a lover affair over Crumbs Sugar Cookie, Marina Anchors and the new special edition doll Suzette La Sweet (hope they make a mini of her eventually!) Interested in seeing more of these pieces of rag doll perfection? Check them out!

(All Photos From Individuals on Tumblr)

So what do you think? Like 'em, hate 'em? I can't get enough of them! I see some new appearances of these babies on my christmas list this year! Do you girls have any toy addictions? Tell me about 'em!


  1. Oh my gosh I love these so much! Ever since I saw them at Target I have wanted them all! My goal is to collect all of the big ones and get a nice shelf for them.

  2. Judging by this post, I assume you are a big fan of the Coraline movie?

    These are definitely along the lines of creepy cute, with a leaning towards cute.

  3. Oh, these toys... I've gotten 22 of the mini's already, and I'm totally hooked. I've been trying to figure out whether a half-inch scale doll house would accommodate them, or else I'll have to build on their scale from scratch.

    Is the second image a doll in a home made dress? The hair looks like Blossom, but her usual dress is a white eyelet lace thing with a green sash.

  4. Petrina - I'm actually not that huge a fan (liked it, not my favorite). I'm just more a fan of old fashioned dolls in general.

    Lilaenne - I'm addicted to the mini's as well! If you end up getting a dollhouse please send pictures as I'm considering making a little space for mine as well. I'm pretty sure it's a reconstructed custom doll made from Blossom.

  5. These are super cute! Nice find.

  6. Wow! Now I need one or two of these! And at $20 and sold in the US, that's a really simple Pullip fix for those of us saving up for more expensive friends. :D
