
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Little Pony Fair 2011 in Rhode Island!

This past Saturday was the official My Little Pony Fair and Convention in Pawtucket, Rhode Island! I went with my dear friend Victoria of Parfait Doll and met up with Lindsay of Pretty Pop Designs! We all got in our pastel best and headed to the Hasbro Factory for some fun with all the Equestria girls and more

There were many fun sights and sounds at this so called Pony Con, but the point was really to bring on the nostalgia and magic of these incredibly simple but yet beautiful toys. Basically this was all held in a large room where multiple booths or "stables" as they were called would be set up where you could buy anything related to MLP you wanted. There were older ponies, newer ponies, tiny ponies - pony watches, pony bags and even as you can see pony chocolate candies!

There were lots of contests to be had like custom made ponies (one of them showed here), a costume contest, even one for stables! There were even some small panels and discussions. The best of the panels was one held by Hasbro where they unveiled some new details for the coming toy season and more. My only complaint as I've been to multiple conventions is the lack of activities outside of the "Fair". Personally if they want this convention to be even more successful I think it'd be best to involve more workshops and panels that are in seperate rooms. Something I know I would have enjoyed is a panel strictly about Friendship is Magic (the new TV series) and possibly talking to voice actors and the creator. But this is something I think Hasbro can work slowly to getting right and eventually it'll become a much more successful event on that regard.

So the verdict? I would definitely go to the My Little Pony Fair again but only if it was nearby. I don't think this is the sort of convention to invest a lot of your time into unless it grows more in size or is given more of a convention feel. Our drive to Rhode Island was about 2 and a half hours but was definitely worth it and I would go to it again if it was in a location just as close. But unless you really truly are a big MLP fanatic then this isn't exactly something to get tide in a knot over. I would highly recommend it for the Nostalgia but otherwise it just depends on your taste!

So curious, are any of you big MLP fans? Do you collect ponies? Write a comment below!


  1. It was so great hanging with you, Victoria, and Lindsay! I had a great time at the con!
    From a hard-core MLP fan perspective, it was worth our 4 hour drive just to meet other pony fans and buy ponies in person, but I also wish there were more panels and events. However, the con is different every year. In the past they've had customs tutorials and talks by more guests (like the women who invented MLP). I was a little surprised they didn't have as much this year.
    You probably would've liked the Design Seminar that you had to enter an online lotto for. It was all about the FiM toys.

  2. I used to collect ponies when I was younger, but I had to leave them all when I moved to America from Scotland.
    Today I got my first Friendship Is Magic pony, Twilight Sparkle! <3 I'm so happy!

  3. I'm an 80's toy collector and collect my little ponies, but I only like the 80's ones. Did they have lots of 80's stuff there or more modern stuff? I'm in Australia but if I'm ever travelling in the states when it's on I'd love to check it out only if there is plenty of vintage mlp....

  4. It was mostly G1 ponies and G3's. I like the design of the G3's but I think a lot of the colors and types they come in aren't as refreshing as the G1's!

  5. So, you're saying it needs to be about 20% cooler?

  6. I'm saying it just needs a bit more activities to do! You can only circle around a room with ponies to buy so many times - though I did 4 hours of it so what do I know :P
