
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Quick News Flash: Meet Twenty Four Lies Per Second

As you may remember a while back, I had gotten the job as a co-writer for another film centered blog called Twenty Four Lies Per Second. Well, it seems the owner is off and heading on a fantastic journey of becoming a hardcore filmmaker, and in return has given me the "keys" (so to speak) for the blog.

Though it might not all be to your frilly liking, I hope you'll check it out and give it some love. I'm a big believer in the ability to learn about movies that might not be the big major releases you know about, but the little guys. This blog is all about that. Showcasing the best in film, whether they be films you know or ones you will soon know. The best is, all the film's that are spoken of are all a bit on the darker side of story telling. A little Del Toro or Tarantino fan? Well you might enjoy this place. Like a little Hitchcock in your film diet? Come on over!

Don't worry, nothing is changing about La Vida Frills, I'm just giving this blog some love too! So come and check out the place (link here), and you should give it some TLC too!

1 comment:

  1. AA I am pumped! I am such a noir junky so Hitchcock being mintioned makes me super happy!
