
Monday, December 21, 2009

Interview + What to wear on Christmas?

Before I get into the topic of today's post, I wanted to let you all know that an interview I did with one of my favorite bloggers Crystal is now posted on her blog Pretty Wonderland (link is here). I loved filling out the questions and can't wait to see the response that comes from it (if any.)

Now on to a debacle that all ladies have, lolita or not. What do I wear on Christmas Day? A lot of you may fear the "Granny Sweater" look or the "it's cold outside" outfit. The style I fear most upon christmas is the "My mom made me wear this" look, which always seems to happen if you are my family.

My Grandma is the sort that is a big hater on fashion from today, especially things like ripped jeans and mini dresses. She is the sort that will announce to everyone how she really is unhappy with your wardrobe choice. But the question is, so she (or your family)ok with lolita? The good news is my family is very much a fan of my lolita clothes, but there are times when I come in completely decora style sweet, that will generally freak them out.

So that's why I have brought to you my guide to dressing lolita for Christmas (and other holiday/family gatherings).

1) Pick a color scheme that is tame.
How does one accomplish this? Well the best example is to compare brands, Angelic Pretty or Baby? Now you are talking to someone that is an Angelic Pretty freak for higher, but in this case I'd say, pick Baby. Why? With their Victorian mixed with Sweet themes, and their toned down color scheme, Baby is the perfect choice for family friendly coordinates. They still have the cute elements like teddy bears and fairies, but not so over the top that your Uncle will wonder if you just escaped from The Rabbit Hole's rave party. Personally I'd go with either something in a red, brown or black color. Also I recommend picking a Jumperskirt over an OP. Why? It's easier to pair things for layering purposes with, and you won't have to deal with the unfortunate "arm puff" that can happen with layering over an OP.

2) Pick a layer (cardigan or cutsew?)
Again, it's a question of over the top or tame. With the family, I'd personally go the tame route, meaning go with a cardigan. This means it can be a brand or off brand cardigan, but I'd personally go with Off-brand for two reasons. One being this cardigan can be used over again in your day to day outfits and also be can re-coordinate into other outfits depending on the color. I'd so chose a cardigan thats in the less used color in your jumperskirt. If the jumperskirt is black x white, I'd personally got with a white cardigan, but black is classic and can work as well. If you are going with a black x red jumperskirt, pick a red cardigan. The details then will pop in the outfit. Where should you get said cardigan? I'd recommend H&M or Forever 21. H&M usually makes their cardigans tailored to the waist that measures the same with most brand jumperskirts, while Forever 21 just makes adorable very vintage looking stuff, nough said. But I warn you, be careful not to buy a cardigan with a long length. It'll make the poof on your coordinate look crinkled, and also not flatter your waist line.

3)These boots are made for walking
Personally, I recommend not wearing lolita shoes. Unless they are SS or real AP tea party shoes, most lolita shoes will scare your Aunt Nancy away and make you the talk of the party, in a bad way. I actually love pairing any of my lolita outfits with shoes that are off brand. The best shoes for the holidays and with lolita? Boots. Boots are my best friend, They make my legs look long and lean, and are cute depending on the cut you so chose. I'm a fan of cowboy boots, ones a little above the ankle with a nice chunky heel, or Steve Madden's Classic Bonanza boots are the best. They are way more comfortable then UGGS and cuter too. They come in a variety of colors, even in a purple (which I must get !!) The second best shoe choice would be a very comfortable simple pair of heels, even with a slight touch of a bow or cute decor on them. But don't go all out, it'll ruin the simplicity of your outfit.

4) Socks or Tights?
Simple, Tights. The majority of them come in many many colors, but don't go for ones with patterns unless your dress is really boring. Remember the more simple, the more elegant you'll appear. Also, with tights you won't have to worry about having to pull up your socks every 20 minutes. This rule/guideline I actually apply to all my coordinates, anytime of year. Since though they are cute, socks are a big problem that you don't need to have. Also, remember to wear your bloomers. That way your little cousin won't peak under your dress and announce to the whole party what brand your undies are (true story).

5) A good answer to a simple question.
Now you've got the cute outfit, what's going to happen next? Well if this is the first time your family as a whole has seen you in lolita, you are probably going to get loads of questions. Remember to explain kindly and nicely what you are wearing, but don't focus on all the brand names and other things too much, unless you are asked. This sometimes can confuse more then educate, and you know you'd rather move on to those presents then sit next to Grandpa Joe for 2 hours, explaining what "Rori" means. Just be cute and polite, and in the end you'll get your Sparkling Dreaming Cupcake Surprise print under the christmas tree with no problem !!

I hope this helps, and that you have a fun time wearing lolita in front of your family. It sure will bring up more interesting conversation then your Aunt's "interesting" fruit cake.

1 comment:

  1. What a great article!
    Luckily both my family and my husbands family have no problem with my lolita fashion. I wore lolita to my bridal shower and tons of both my and his family were there and for many, it was the first time they ever saw it. I got alot of questions, but everyone was very polite and curious about it. I educated them about the fashion and the subculture and they loved the idea and thought I looked cute. I'm lucky to have such an accepting family (on both sides!). It's great to be surrounded by people who not only accept, but love my quirky side.
    Lovd your tips for wearing lolita for the holidays! And I'm glad you had fun with the interview ^.^
